бүтээгдэхүүний мэдээлэл
This Machine is a new CNC bending machine launched by RAYMAX in 2020, and is suitable for manufacturers with high precision and cost performance requirements. The machine is our most popular model by volume anda true workhorse, which is constructed of high quality parts and offers serious reliability. Y1 & Y2 Synchronization technology ensure high approach, bend and return speeds. It`s bending length capability and pressure range can be customized to meet various producing requirements.
Шинжлэх ухааны дизайн
1, Synchronous movement of Y1 and Y2 axes each controlled by independent cylinder
2, Possibility to add options and upgrades on the configuration, at later stage
Байгаль орчинд ээлтэй
Гидравлик систем дэх даралт нь серво үндсэн моторын хаалттай хүрдний хяналт тул хүлээх үед дуу чимээ багатай, хурдан доошоо (25 децибелээс бага), дарж, буцаж ирдэг. Серво мотор ашигласнаар эрчим хүчний зарцуулалт ерөнхий машинаас 60%-иар бага.
Машины биеийн тогтвортой, бат бөх гүйцэтгэл
1,The machine frame integrated welding.
2,The machine frame formed by the CNC three-dimensional machining center in one process, which ensures the parallelism and verticality of each mounting surface.
3,Internal stress lamination by tempering.
4,Shot blast to remove rust and anti-rust treatment.
1. Control system: DA52s (Optional Cybelec CT8 from Switzerland)
Quick, one page programming
•Hotkey navigation
•7” VGA colour TFT
•Up to 4 axes (Y1, Y2, and 2 auxiliary axes)
•Crowning control
•Tool/material/product library
•USB, peripheral interfacing
•The basic machine control functions are Y1 Y2 X R -axis.
•Advanced Y-axis control algorithms for closed loop as well as open loop valves
Optional Control System:
(DA66T DA69T / Cybelec CT8 CT12 from Switzerland)
Optional Axis(3 1/4 1/6 1/8 1)
2. Cylinder
As a Chinese premium brand, it has a service life of more than 10 years
3. Proportional Valve
Proportional valve precisely regulates Y1 Y2 aixs movements
4. Quick Clip
Fast tool changes thanks to vertical set up,to reduce your set up times
5. Grating Ruler gives precise positioning
Optic linear guide system is fixed to the machine bed by separated arm. By this solution, all yaw values are able to record to adjust your bindings sensitivities & repeatability.
6. CNC Mold(Golin)
CNC concentric mold,Multi-function, easy to change sides
7. Automatic Crowning System
Equalized compensation, perfect bending angleControl by CNC control system DA52s
8. Supporting Arm
The ergonomic support brackets and led work area illumination serve to maximize your operating ease
9. Double Linear Guides and Integrated Support Beam
To improve finger movement accuracy
10. Ball Screw and Linear Guide
Dynamic back gauges and the high speed axis thanks to the ball screw and linear guideto improve back gauge movement accuracy
11. Servo Motor
Servo drive X and Y aixs positioning to increase speed and accuracy.
12. Main electrical components
Selection of international brands, stable and long-lasting performance.
13. Hydraulic Valve
Selection of international brands, stable and long-lasting performance.
14. Main Motor(Siemens from German)Oil Pump(Sunny from America)
Selection of international brands, stable and long-lasting performance.
15. Tubing Joint (EMB from German)
To avoid leak oil, easy to repair
16. Foot Switch Electric Components(Schneider from France)
17. DSP Laser Safe (Optional)
The blade stops when obstacle detected by laser.
Техникийн параметрүүд
Загвар | Туйлуудын зай (мм) | Хоолойн гүн (мм) | Гулсуурын цохилт (мм) | Max height(mm) | Эрчим хүч(кВт) | Жин (кг) | Хэмжээ (мм) |
40Т/2200 | 1850 | 230 | 80 | 320 | 4 | 2750 | 2200x1200x1900 |
40Т/2500 | 1850 | 230 | 80 | 320 | 4 | 3000 | 2500x1200x1900 |
63T/2500 | 1900 | 250 | 100 | 320 | 5.5 | 4000 | 2500x1300x2210 |
63T/3200 | 2560 | 250 | 100 | 320 | 5.5 | 4800 | 3200x1300x2210 |
80Т/2500 | 1990 | 300 | 100 | 320 | 7.5 | 5000 | 2500x1400x2300 |
80Т/3200 | 2560 | 320 | 100 | 350 | 7.5 | 6000 | 3200x1500x2300 |
80Т/4000 | 3200 | 320 | 100 | 350 | 7.5 | 7000 | 4000x1500x2400 |
100Т/2500 | 1990 | 320 | 120 | 350 | 7.5 | 6000 | 2500x1600x2400 |
100Т/3200 | 2600 | 320 | 120 | 400 | 7.5 | 6800 | 3200x1600x2600 |
100Т/4000 | 3200 | 320 | 120 | 400 | 7.5 | 8000 | 4000x1600x2600 |
125Т/3200 | 2600 | 320 | 120 | 400 | 7.5 | 7000 | 3200x1600x2600 |
125Т/4000 | 3200 | 320 | 120 | 400 | 7.5 | 8500 | 4000x1600x2600 |
160Т/3200 | 2580 | 320 | 120 | 460 | 11 | 10000 | 3200x1700x2700 |
160Т/4000 | 2900 | 320 | 160 | 460 | 11 | 11000 | 4000x1700x2800 |
160Т/5000 | 3900 | 320 | 160 | 460 | 11 | 13500 | 5000x1900x3100 |
160Т/6000 | 4900 | 320 | 160 | 460 | 11 | 18500 | 6300x1900x3200 |
200Т/3200 | 2480 | 320 | 200 | 460 | 11 | 11000 | 3200x1950x2800 |
200Т/4000 | 2900 | 320 | 200 | 460 | 11 | 12500 | 4000x1950x2800 |
200Т/5000 | 3900 | 320 | 200 | 460 | 11 | 14000 | 5000x1950x3000 |
200Т/6000 | 4900 | 320 | 200 | 460 | 11 | 20000 | 6000x1950x3300 |
250Т/3200 | 2450 | 400 | 250 | 590 | 18.5 | 18500 | 3250x2000x3200 |
250Т/4000 | 2900 | 400 | 250 | 590 | 18.5 | 20000 | 4000x2000x3400 |
250Т/5000 | 3900 | 400 | 250 | 590 | 18.5 | 23000 | 5000x2000x3400 |
250Т/6000 | 4900 | 400 | 250 | 590 | 18.5 | 27000 | 6000x2000x3400 |
300Т/3200 | 2450 | 400 | 250 | 590 | 22 | 20500 | 3200x2000x3450 |
300Т/4000 | 2900 | 400 | 250 | 590 | 22 | 22000 | 4000x2000x3450 |
300Т/5000 | 3900 | 400 | 250 | 590 | 22 | 25000 | 5000x2000x3450 |
300Т/6000 | 4900 | 400 | 250 | 590 | 22 | 28000 | 6000x2000x3450 |
400T/3200 | 2400 | 400 | 250 | 590 | 30 | 22500 | 3200x2180x3400 |
400Т/4000 | 2900 | 400 | 250 | 590 | 30 | 25000 | 4000x2180x3400 |
400Т/5000 | 3900 | 400 | 250 | 590 | 30 | 29000 | 5000x2180x3500 |
400Т/6000 | 4900 | 400 | 250 | 590 | 30 | 34000 | 6000x2180x3800 |
500Т/5000 | 3900 | 400 | 250 | 590 | 45 | 42000 | 5050x3500x3700 |
500Т/6000 | 4900 | 400 | 320 | 590 | 45 | 54000 | 6050x3500x3700 |
600Т/4000 | 2900 | 400 | 320 | 590 | 55 | 44000 | 4050x4500x3700 |
600Т/6000 | 4900 | 400 | 320 | 590 | 55 | 60000 | 6050x4500x3700 |
Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл
- Slider Stroke (мм): 120 мм
- Автомат түвшин: Бүрэн автомат
- Хоолойн гүн (мм): 320 мм
- Машины төрөл: Синхрончлогдсон
- Ажлын ширээний урт (мм): 3200 мм
- Ажлын ширээний өргөн (мм): 150 мм
- Dimension: 3200x1600x2600mm
- Нөхцөл байдал: Шинэ
- Материал / Металл боловсруулсан: Гуулин / Зэс, Зэвэрдэггүй ган, ХАЙЛШ, Нүүрстөрөгчийн ган, Хөнгөн цагаан
- Автоматжуулалт: Автомат
- Нэмэлт үйлчилгээ: Дуусгах хэлбэр
- Он: 2020 он
- Жин (КГ): 7000
- Моторын хүч (кВт): 7.5 кВт
- Борлуулалтын гол цэгүүд: Олон үйлдэлт
- Баталгаат хугацаа: 2 жил
- Applicable Industries: Building Material Shops, Machinery Repair Shops, Manufacturing Plant, Food & Beverage Factory, Printing Shops, Construction works , Energy & Mining, Food & Beverage Shops
- Үзэсгэлэнгийн өрөөний байршил: Байхгүй
- Маркетингийн төрөл: Шинэ бүтээгдэхүүн 2020
- Машин механизмын туршилтын тайлан: Өгөгдсөн
- Видео гарах-шалгалт: Оруулсан
- Үндсэн эд ангиудын баталгаа: 1 жил
- Core Components: Bearing, Motor, Pressure vessel, Engine, Other
- Model: WE67K Series-125T/3200
- Түүхий эд: хуудас / хавтан өнхрөх
- Control system: Delem DA66T
- Control Axes: Y1 Y2 X W-axis Crowning
- Цахилгаан эд анги: Францын Schneider
- Үндсэн мотор: Германы Siemens
- Lead Time: 15days
- Хэрэглээ: Металл хуудас гулзайлгах
- Баталгаажуулалт: CE ISO